Line Palettes These pop-up palettes set the… foreground color (left) pattern (middle) background color (right) Press the icon and drag to your choice. Fill Palettes These pop-up palettes set the… foreground color (left) pattern (middle) background color (right) Press the icon and drag to your choice. Line Widths The line thickness is drawn in the box and written (in pixels) at left. To change the line width, press the icon and drag to the width you want. Pen Display The current pen is shown in the box at right of the pen icon. To change the pen, press the pattern or color icons below for pop-up palettes. Fill Display The current fill is shown in the box at right of the bucket icon. To change the fill, press the pattern or color icons below for pop-up palettes. Button Tool To create a button, click to select the tool and then drag diagonally across the worksheet. To invoke commands in a script by clicking the button, attach the button to the script (using the Script menu). Text Tool To create a text field, click to select the tool and then drag diagonally or click the grid. Polygon Tool To create connected lines, first click to select the tool; then click in the worksheet to begin the polygon, click again to end each line, and double-click to finish. Arc Tool To create an arc, click to select the tool and drag across the worksheet. Oval Tool To create an oval, click to select the tool and drag across the worksheet. Rectangle Tool To create rectangles, click to select the tool and drag across the worksheet. Line Tool To create straight lines, click to select the tool and drag across the worksheet. Pointer Tool Selects objects for dragging, resizing, or changing attributes. Other tools will revert to the pointer if you choose them with one click. Double-click to choose a tool for repeated use; it will turn black instead of gray. Accept Entry Icon Click to put the contents of the entry bar into the current cell. Any previous cell contents will be deleted. Cancel Entry Icon Click to put the contents of the current cell back into the entry bar, canceling any editing changes. To scroll to hidden lines of text in the entry bar, click these arrows. Not available when there is only one line of text. Entry Bar Scratch area for editing the current cell. If the cell contains a formula, the entry bar shows the formula, while the cell shows the result. Address Box This shows the address of the current cell. A cell address is written "A1" (for column A, row 1) or "R1C1" (for row 1, column 1). Hide Panel Icon Click to show or hide the palette panel. Zoom Icons To zoom the display in or out, click the mountain icons . To toggle between 100% view and any previous zoom, click the percentage indicator. Scroll Bar Shows other rows of the worksheet. To scroll by one row, click an arrow. To scroll by a windowful, click in the gray bar. To scroll to a particular row, drag the scroll box; the target heading will be displayed near the scroll bar. Scroll Bar Shows other columns of the worksheet. To scroll by one column, click an arrow. To scroll by a windowful, click in the gray bar. To scroll to a particular column, drag the scroll box; the heading will be displayed near the scroll bar. Size Box Drag to change the height and width of the window.